PHILLIPS Programs for Children & Families

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June 2019 Newsletter

A Message from the President

This past May was filled with two incredible events:  our 24th annual gala and partnering with KaBOOM!, Marriott International and The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation to build a beautiful new playground in one day.  In addition to these special events, staff and youth have been working hard towards the end of the year.  Each division and every class has prepared special end of year functions to recognize our youth's accomplishments.  Our Laurel campus hosted its graduation last week.  Annandale and Fairfax will celebrate its graduates and honor youth who have earned a wide range of awards this week.  

As we near the close of our school year, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the PHILLIPS family.  Our youth, staff, families, Board of Trustees and community partners and supporters make the work we do possible.  It takes commitment, dedication and passion for social justice and  human dignity to do the work that we all do.  As our graduation speaker, Qu'Derrick Covington,  from our Laurel graduation pointed out, it takes one caring adult to  change the life of a child.  He urged our youth to be all that everyone said they couldn't be.  

In addition to the great work in our special education day schools, Family Partners continues to expand their services.  If you are not familiar with our parent/caregiver classes be sure to visit our website for more detailed information and call Family Partners at 703.658.9054 to register.  Attendees are learning to utilize the RIGHT RESPONSE, a proactive approach which focuses on prevention of situations that otherwise can escalate with children and others.   To learn more about Family Partners click here

As we celebrate our youth thank you for being the difference in the lives of our children and families.  


Piper Phillips Caswell

President & CEO


Gala attendees adorned in pink tie cocktail attire or food inspired costumes created a festive environment at PHILLIPS 24th Annual Gala! 

Click here to see all the pictures from the Gala.

PHILLIPS School~Laurel Builds a New Playground in ONE Day! 

Thanks to Marriott International, The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation and KaBOOM! we built a playground, outdoor classroom, planters and benches, picnic tables and painted several enhancement projects around campus!  Over 250 volunteers from the community participated! Our amazing staff and culinary arts students fed the teams of hungry helpers and spent months preparing for the day!  It takes a village and our town stepped up and made something happen that will benefit our youth for decades to come!  

Click here to see more pictures from Build Day!

PHILLIPS Trick or Trot: 2nd Annual 5K/1K Fun Run

PHILLIPS 2nd Annual 5K/1K Fun Run will take place on Saturday, October 19 at Burke Lake Park. The timed 5K will start at 8 AM and the 1K at 9 AM. Families and friends are invited to register to run or walk to support our upcoming culinary arts program at the Annandale campus. Burke Lake Park offers a scenic and easy course to run or walk for a great cause! Prizes will be offered for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, and for best costume! Click here to register! 
We need your help!Sponsorship opportunities at many different levels are available for the race. This is a great event for company promotion and employee team building while supporting a local organization. Contact Debi Alexander at or 703.941.8810 for more detailed information about sponsorships.

"Their potential, our commitment"

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PHILLIPS Programs for Children and Families is a private, non-profit organization serving the complex needs of children and youth living with cognitive, emotional and/or behavioral challenges in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Through excellence in specialized education, community programs and individualized support services, we provide our children and families every advantage to ensure they develop to achieve their greatest individual success. Their potential is our commitment.