PHILLIPS Programs for Children & Families

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August Newsletter 2021

~ Piper Phillips Caswell • PHILLIPS Programs President & CEO ~ August Video Message ~

Back to School 2021

A New Year of Success Begins

It’s a joy to see our students and staff back together in-person. Everyone is doing their part to make this year’s return to classes safe and successful. This journal entry written by a new student on his first day on campus captures the optimistic spirit you feel at all the PHILLIPS Schools.

Follow us on Facebook to see posts about the first week of the new school year, as well as the fun and enriching experiences students enjoyed this summer in our ESY programs. Find out about a visit from a local TV meteorologist, building a huge Lego Land and launching paper rockets.

The new school year also brings a new Instagram page for PHILLIPS Programs. Please follow us and bookmark the page to see all of our latest photos and videos.

{Remember to include the underscore mark between phillips and programs.}


This House Is Now a Home

As expected, the luxurious house on Holyoke Dr. in Annandale constructed by our Building Futures students was snapped up almost immediately after it went on the market last month. The owners have moved in and we’re sure they appreciate the fine work of our students and their instructors.

It’s easy to support PHILLIPS Programs when you shop online. Just visit AmazonSmile and select us as your charity. For every purchase you make through AmazonSmile, PHILLIPS will receive a percentage of the price -- at no added cost to you.

Summer is turning into autumn and, before you know it, spring will be upon us. We’re already making plans to bring back our Annual Gala, after a two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic. The 2022 Gala will take place on April 23. Please mark your calendar and stand by for details about the location, theme and more. Meanwhile, don’t wait until April to support PHILLIPS. You can make a donation right now by clicking the button below.

PHILLIPS Programs for Children and Families
7010 Braddock Rd | Annandale, Virginia 22003
703-941-8810 |

PHILLIPS Programs for Children and Families is a private, non-profit organization serving the complex needs of children and youth living with cognitive, emotional and/or behavioral challenges in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Through excellence in specialized education, community programs and individualized support services, we provide our children and families every advantage to ensure they develop to achieve their greatest individual success. Their potential is our commitment.