PHILLIPS Programs for Children & Families

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April Newsletter 2021

‘Growth Mindset’ in Action at PHILLIPS


Our Director of Career Partners delivered an inspiring message to the change leaders of tomorrow during a presentation this month for students from The George Washington University master’s program in Special Education and Disability Studies. Lindsay Harris Ed.S., explained how PHILLIPS Programs' high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs demonstrate the “growth mindset.”

People with a “fixed mindset” believe they’re born with abilities and intelligence that will never change substantially, she told the students. Those who believe this about themselves lose hope for the future and see no reason to try harder. For them, success is no more than avoiding failure.

In contrast, other people believe that their initial aptitude and abilities are just a starting point. They thrive on challenges. What a fixed mindset dreads as failure, a “growth mindset” embraces as an opportunity to change and learn through experience and analysis.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, Ph.D., developed this innovative approach to thinking about challenges, change and success in education and in life. Her concepts, based on decades of clinical research, are so closely attuned to the PHILLIPS belief that every child can overcome adversity that we conduct staff training sessions on the growth mindset.

This article summarizing Dweck’s work was recently shared with the staff at PHILLIPS School ~ Annandale.

Youth enrolled in our CTE programs often have experienced failure in their previous school settings. As Lindsay put it, they come to us thinking: “I have failed in school, so I am a failure.”

PHILLIPS provides a supportive environment that lets CTE students develop a love of learning without fear of failure. Rather than thinking, “I can’t learn this,” they tell themselves, “I haven’t learned to do this yet – but I will.”    

For instance, one of our Building Futures students who’s about to graduate recalled recently how much his mindset has changed during the three years he’s helped construct a house in Annandale. “Naturally, you’re not good at things when you first start doing it,” he said. But as he continued improving his skills, he became more motivated. The young man who had struggled to learn for so many years began to relish the chance to teach younger students the construction skills he has developed with the help of the Building Futures team.

One of the first lessons learned by students in our Designing Futures program is that 3D printing projects almost never turn out right the first time – and that’s OK. In fact, the process of creating a design, trying to print it, evaluating the results and making improvements until you reach your goal is the essence of the program. The best learning opportunities arise when things go wrong. Instructor Tom Meeks constantly encourages his classes with the Designing Futures motto: Failure Is Not Final.

Likewise, the Growing Futures staff at PHILLIPS School ~ Laurel emphasizes personal growth as much as cultivating and cooking edible plants. When a crop wilts or an entrée burns, students don’t take it personally and they don’t give up. They figure out what to change and they keep trying until they succeed.    

Lindsay’s presentation showed how promoting the growth mindset helps youth believe in themselves, recognize their strengths and accomplishments, and focus on the future.

Through development of trusting relationships in safe places, building upon strengths, and providing opportunities to experience success through authentic experiences, PHILLIPS CTE students thrive as they gain both the confidence and competence to dream, and to believe they have the ability to make their dreams come true.  

What’s Cooking in Annandale?

PHILLIPS School ~ Annandale is going to expand its small commercial kitchen and hire a chef/teacher so it can begin offering culinary arts instruction.

The success of the culinary program at our Laurel campus inspired the decision to provide this option for Annandale students who wish to pursue food service careers.

Annandale’s breakfast and lunch program has been operating out of the kitchen. It will move to a new location in the building when construction begins.

Instead of a Gala …

This is the time of year you might have been be deciding what to wear for the PHILLIPS Annual Gala and perhaps planning your bidding strategy for the auctions. Even though we had to cancel the gala again this year because of COVID-19, we haven’t cut back at all in serving youth with behavioral health needs and developmental disabilities. In fact, we’ve done more than ever during the pandemic. That’s why, more than ever, we are depending on your continued support.

Donations to our Annual Campaign last fall were higher than the previous year and we’re still seeing strong support so far this year. Please consider a gift to our Spring Campaign.

You don’t have to put on a costume this year. Your “Instead of a Gala” contribution will make a difference – even if you’re wearing your pandemic pajamas when you click the DONATE button. And courage your friends to do the same by sharing a favorite photo of you at one of our galas on your social media pages. You’ll find hundreds of them on our Facebook Photos page.

Mark your calendar for next year’s gala on April 23, 2022!


Dominion Donation Helps PHILLIPS Power Through Pandemic

Dominion Energy is among the corporate supporters who’ve stepped up to make sure everyone at our schools is safe from COVID-19.

Dominion workers delivered sneeze guards to the Fairfax campus for teachers and related service providers can use. They also donated hygiene kits for our students and a 5-month supply of snacks and beverages for our staff. 

You're Shopping Online More Than Ever

Why not help support PHILLIPS Programs every time you do it? It's easy! Just visit AmazonSmile and select us as your charity. For every purchase you make through AmazonSmile, PHILLIPS will receive a percentage of the price -- at no added cost to you. 

PHILLIPS Programs for Children and Families
7010 Braddock Rd | Annandale, Virginia 22003
703-941-8810 |

PHILLIPS Programs for Children and Families is a private, non-profit organization serving the complex needs of children and youth living with cognitive, emotional and/or behavioral challenges in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Through excellence in specialized education, community programs and individualized support services, we provide our children and families every advantage to ensure they develop to achieve their greatest individual success. Their potential is our commitment.